Sanitised Car Hire: We understand that whilst the excitement of a summer holiday is back on the radar after many countries have eased lock down measures, many planning a summer getaway this year are nervous about how it might be different from before.

Whilst hiring a car could be viewed as one of the safest ground transportation options available as you are in effect arranging private travel rather than shared spaces like coach, rail or bus services, the cleanliness of the car before you take delivery is vital.

How to book one.

We now show what car rental companies offer sanitised car hire and have labelled our search results as such to show which car hire brands have committed to maintaining sanitization measures as per WHO COVID-19 guidelines. Simply look out for the ‘Sanitised car’ icon in our search results where you’ll see the confirmation;

‘This car hire brand has committed to maintaining sanitization measures as per WHO COVID-19 guidelines’

What is sanitised car hire?

We have surveyed most of our suppliers, to achieve ‘Sanitised car’ status in our search results there are 4 criteria they must satisfy, they are;

  • Staff using protective and disposable equipment (e.g. masks, gloves) when cleaning car units.
  • Use of disinfecting products recommended by Covid-19 safety guidelines to clean car units.
  • Emphasize the cleaning of common surfaces like steering wheel, windows, gear, handles, car keys, seat belt buckles, as well as optional extras like child seats, GPS.
  • Disinfecting soft and porous material or items like carpet, rugs and seating areas.