Camping in Uganda is one of the most admired adventures constantly repeated. The surroundings in most of the National parks or more so the designated camping grounds provide lasting memories.

Camping In Uganda
Car Rental Parking List, Camping Safaris

Undiscovered by most authentic travelers, like pinching up a tent in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of the wilderness, sleep enclosed to your tent and have the wild animals as your immediate neighbors all night long. sounds scary, doesn’t it? This is one of the beaten off means to experience nature. Camping can be done solo or with a group of friends or family. Whichever way, the camping adventure can be made memorable. This kind of adventure opens it for your privacy and flexibility.

Most of the safari lodges in Uganda have camping sites besides the tents, cottages and rooms, well maintained too and tidy for any new clients coming in. They will have public abolutors as well. it would cost you averagely $7 per night to have your tent pitched. The information desk at these lodges have the perfect information regarding their particular camping arrangements.

For the National Parks, there are always designated camping grounds provided by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. It is not advisable to camp anywhere you find though. Whether you are on a self drive in Uganda, Auto Rental Uganda provides most of the camping equipment for as low as $3 per day. Check out our indispensable camping gear.

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